1. Please check the meterial roll and The former and everything must be set on the center of the machine.
Please check this, before you install your meterial. you can adjust position of the material by that left handle.
2. Please open This roller for install your material.
And install this material to the near cutting clamp. and close this roller.

Warning : You have to close this. If not you can not install your material rolls.
3. Pulling This down so material can be flat enough.

Can you see that I hold two line. And this is tracky part. This must be arranged. If not, The pyramid tea bag will be not looks good and have ploblems on the wcrap paper. And the mash will be jumping out of the roller!

Warning : Pulling down with your hand so material can be flat! and hold it with both side meet perfectly together. This is hard part!

And with your other hand please close bottom Yellow foller with handle bolt. Bottom First! with
4. Do not close too tight. Just tight that ball isn'y show up anymore.

Wraning : Close Bottom yellow first with perfect lined up.
5. When you close yellow roller on the bottom,
Please set materials on the former before you clse top silver roller.
6. Like this.
7. Do you see this silver ball. close this untill ball isn't show up anymore

Warning : do not close too tight
8. Please tide up scrap paper from new materials.
And check the distance with tag pitch. Check the scrap Paper is 10mm
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